Wing Chun Practice Group
Attention Wing Chun Practitioners

Welcome to the Atlanta Wing Chun Practice Group. We have been getting together, training and sharing our knowledge with each other for a few weeks now and folks are starting to take notice.

We're not out to knock each others heads off, or prove our system is better than so and so. We're just looking to get in shape, stay in shape and ensure that our skills stay sharp.

The practice group is not a school, although you're welcome to come and learn from someone with more experience if they are willing to teach you. We may of course discuss the finer points of "chi sao" techniques and in all likelihood we will learn from each other.

We'll typically try and get together on Saturdays and Sundays but I'm sure someone is subject to "trapping hands" on a weekday when there is time.  We workout at home, the park, community center, the gym or where ever we can find room.

There is no fee or anything, just email or use the "Contact Us" page and someone will give you a call in a day or so.

Wing Chung Practice Club
Atlanta, GA

info 'At'